Category: Uncategorized
VPS servers for beginners
If you are developing a website for business or personal use, you will have lots of fun mapping it out and thinking about how it will look. Once this is done, you need to think about how you will host your website. It is at this point that some people can start to get confused!…
A comparison of different business email services
With so many different email services out there it can be difficult to decide which one is right for your business. Here’s a comparison of three of the best options available. Gmail Gmail has become one of most popular email services in modern times. However it is showing signs of becoming obsolete. There are a…
Understanding the 3 most crucial trends in the VPS marketplace in 2023
The pace of change in the IT industry as a whole is known for being incredibly rapid. The world of VPS servers is no exception. Every business concerned about efficiency, cutting costs and remaining competitive in a marketplace as dynamic as this should make an effort to stay ahead of the latest trends and forces.…
Web hosting services versus personal servers
If you’re in the process of creating a business website for the first time, you have a very important decision to make. You can either purchase servers of your own and host your site in-house, or you can take advantage of a website hosting service with its own servers. In general, we believe that most…
How to optimize a VPS server?
You chose a VPS server to host your business. Now you need to install everything you will need to run your business, which is an essential step. It’s also relevant to know how to optimize a VPS server, to improve user experience, SEO, and your overall website grade. It’s not a complicated process, and with…
Top Myths About Shared Hosting
You want to create your own website, but you have an important decision ahead. There are four main types of hosting services you may choose from. Among them, beginners tend to be in doubt as there are some traps and myths about shared hosting and VPS servers, the most common choices. As many providers try…
The differences between VPS servers and dedicated hosting
In order to put your business online, you need a proper host. However, there are way too many options in the market, which makes it essential to understand the differences between VPS and dedicated hosting. Fortunately, we prepared a quick list with the main points that differ these two hosting options for beginners. If you…